GA SG54-12 – Eromanga on Sale

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Yapunya Bunginderry Yeppara Ray Yeppera Cornwall Terrachie Shed and Yard Dillybroo Warrabin Earlstoun Wallyah Quartpot Corowa Downs Cooma Old Kyra Naretha Tallyabra Yambutta Belombre Erounghoola Plevna Downs Berellam Whynot Cranstoun Glenvale Monler Congie Moble Eromanga Aladdin Arima Balkans Bargero Bargero Creek Bargie Water Facility Bargo Bargo Mountains Beallah Bellalie Creek Mount Bellalie Bendeemungoo Creek Berella Berellem Waterhole Bijeeloe Waterhole Bingilberry Creek Bookaberri Waterhole Boondarrah Waterhole Boondook Boothamarree Creek Bore Hole Creek Bowra Creek Broken Dam Waterhole Bulgroo Creek Bull Creek Bunginderry Creek Bunginderry Waterhole Burkobulla Burkobulla Waterhole Byrock Canaway Canaway Downs Canaway Range Mount Canaway Canterbury Creek Cathou Creek Cathou Waterhole Coleman Range Colesmore Cona Cona Creek Conga Congie Creek Congie Gap Coolibah Creek Coolna Waterhole Cooloo Cooloo Waterhole Coombill Waterhole Coonavalla Waterhole Cornhill Cornhill Creek Cornwall Waterhole Cromarty Cumbroo Dillons Water Facility Dray Road Creek Eight Mile Creek Eighteen Mile Creek Emu Creek Eromanga Water Facility Erounghoola Creek Gerrut Girtna Waterhole Goobaraburra Waterhole Goodlah Goodlah Water Facility Goombie Creek Goombie Waterhole Gordon Grass Hut Water Facility Grey Range Gum Creek Gum Holes Waterhole Gumlah Creek Gummomo Gummomo Water Facility Gummomo Waterhole Gungaditchee Waterhole Gunnadidgee Creek Harkaway Waterhole Horse Creek Ipundu Waterhole Kakim Waterhole Kalboora Water Facility Kangaroo Creek Kasir Kirpoo Waterhole Kooroopa Waterhole Kothawalla Kowroungala Waterhole Kyabra Kyabra Water Facility Kyabra Waterhole Kyra Kyra Creek Kyra Waterhole Lajah Little Womilla Waterhole Lower Thylungra Waterhole Lowrie Creek Malcho Maugherraugh Creek McGeorges Water Facility McGregor Range Mount McIver Middle Creek Mongarlo Monkey Coolah Creek Mount Margaret Mowgimgalla Waterhole Murreewathalow Creek Naretha Water Facility Nelly Creek Nelly Waterhole Nerrigundah Nobbs Creek Nomminah Waterhole Osman Panam Creek Pangie Creek Pelican Waterhole Pinkilla Pinkilla Water Facility Plevna Prouts Creek Quartpot Creek Raymore Mount Rouse Shanty Water Facility Stony Creek Sydney T U Creek Tabletop Peaks Takyah Waterhole Tampoon Creek Tangie Tarbat Tarbat Water Facility Telephone Waterhole Ten Mile Waterhole Terrachie Terrachie Creek Tharah Thunbunnee Waterhole Thylungra Toobunyah Tookoonooka Creek Toolerah Creek Toowacka Touro Tuna Ulloomunta Ulloomunta Waterhole Wanlen Waterhole Warraboleynyah Waterhole Wheeo Whynot Creek Windula Wollaghellee Creek Woolah Wothawannee Creek Yambutta Creek Breakfast Creek Gum Holes McGregors Range Mobile Tintaburra
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