GA SE51-12 – Noonkanbah Cheap

This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 2.5km on the ground (4cm = 10km). A standard map will cover 150km from east to west and 110km from north to south, with a contour interval of 50m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Bayulu Fitzroy Crossing Junjuwa Yungngora 2 Mile Bore 2 Mile Tank 3 Mile Bore 6 Mile Bore 6 Mile Creek 7 Mile Billabong 7 Mile Yard 8 Mile Mill 9 Mile Bore 9 Mile Yard Acacia Tank Adrian Dam Aerodrome Bore Alberts Bore Alexander Island Alligator Dam Alligator Hill Alligator Pool Andrews Bore Andys Bore Angatheta Bore Angelas Bore Argie Bore Audreys Bore Babagadine Waterhole Backhouse Waterhole Baldocks Dam Ballingers Bore Ballingers Tank Balwynah Pool Baobab Bore Barramendie Hole Barrys Bore Bayulu Community Bayulu Rem Community School Beatons Bore Bedpan Dam Beefwood Park Bells Bore Biddy Biddy Waterhole Bidijul Community Big Dam Bore Big Laymans Bore Big Moana Bores Bill Bore Blariyaning Bridge Blariyaning Creek Bloodwood Bore Blue Bush Bore Blue Bush Dam Blue Bush Swamp Blue Bush Yard Boab Bore Boab Creek Bobs Bore Bolbin Bore Bolbin Yard Boundary Bore Bowdan Bore Boxhole Yard Brennan Bore Broken Wagon Pool Brolga Bore Brooking Creek Brooking Gorge Brooking Springs Browns Bore Bruten Hill Bruten Mill Brutens Bore Bucknall Pinnacle Bull Paddock Bore Bullock Paddock Bore Bullock Paddock No. 1 Bore Bunbury Bore Bungardi Community Bungigarra Bore Burgundy Bore Burton Rockhole Burtons Bore Butlers Bore Butlers Tank Button Hole Dam Cadjebut Cajuput Spring Carol Waterhole Carolyn Bore Carolyn Creek Carolyn Valley Cathys Bore Cherrabun Cherrabun Creek Chestnut Bore Chestnut Hole Centenary Bore Champagne Bore Christmas Creek Churchills Bore Cockatoo Bore Collins Bore Collins Yard Condimine Dam Coolibah Bore Coolibah Dam Coonangoody Pool Coonangoody Yards Coorie Billabong Copley Valley Correla Tank Crosby Bore Cunninghame River Darling Bore Darlngunaya Community Daves Bore Davids Bore Davids Dam Daws Bore Dead Horse Swamp Bore Deewhy Yard Desmond Bore Djada Hill Djugerari Community Djugerari Rem Comm School Don Creek Donald Plain Donald Yard Donalds Mill Donkey Gorge Bore Donkey Gorge Spring Double A Bore Douglas Yard Duchess Dam Duchess Ridge Duck Hole Duck Hole Billabong Duck Hole Pool Duckhole Creek Dukes Dome Duncans Bore Egan Bore Egans Bore Eight Mile Community Emanuel Creek Emanuels Bore Emu Pool Bore Exasperation Dam Ferdys Bore Fig Tree Bore Findlay Hill Fire Plough Tank Fishery Hill Fitzroy Crossing Aerodrome Fitzroy Crossing District High School Fitzroy Crossing Hospital Fitzroy Crossing Mobile Pre-School Fitzroy Crossing Pre-School Fitzroy Microwave Repeater Station Fitzroy Pastoral Research Station Foemans Bore Forrest Bore Forth Bore Fossil Billabong Fossil Downs Fossil Hill Franks Tank Furlong Bore Gap Bore Gap Creek Gap Spring Gap Yard Geikie Gorge Geikie Gorge National Park Geikie Hill Geikie Range Gilberts Bore Gilbos Tank Gillarong Community Give and Take Bore Give and Take Creek Gogo Googa Bore Goose Hole Billabong Gum Hole Billabong Gumhole Bore Gumhole Yard Gwonga Yard Halfway Bore Hansons Bore Happy Bore Hardman Outcamp Higson Yard Home Range Homestead Bore Honeymoon Bore Horse Creek Horse Spring Hot Springs Bore Howes Dam Howes Hill Huttons Bore Island Bore Jabiru Bore Jayrahs Dam Jeromes Bore Jerrys Swamp Dam Jillyardie Waterhole Jimbalura Hill Jocelyns Bore Joes Bore Johns Bore Jondaryan Spring Jubilee Downs Jubilee No. 1 Bore Jubilee No. 2 Bore Jubilee No. 3 Bore Jubilee No. 4 Bore Jubilee No. 5 Bore Jubilee No. 7 Bore Junction Bore Junction Yard Junjuwa Community Kadjina Community Kalyeeda Kalyeeda Aerodrome Kalyeeda Creek Kalyeeda Hills Kammamarra Karnparri Community Kelly Holes Kits Bore Koorabye Community Kudata Gap Kullajoda Spring Kundra Bore Kunian Gap Kurnangki Community Laidlaws Well Lake Graham Dam Laurel Downs Laurel Downs Bore Lauris Range Layman Yard Laymans Bore Leanna Bore Leichhardt Bore Lewis Bore Lightjack Hill Lily Hole Billabong Limestone Billy Hills Limestone Bore Little Laymans Bore Little Mount Pierre Little Thompson Dam Lizzies Bore Long Bore Long Hole Billabong Lubys Bore Lubys Tank Lucky Bore Lynetts Bore Machells Pyramid Macs Hill Malan Spring Mallallah Bore Mallallah Swamp Mamilu Hill Manta Ray Bore Marangle Tank Margaret Bore Margaret River Marie Dam Marra Worra Worra Community Mawleys Bore Mayborough Bore Mc Guiness Bore Mellon Hole Billabong Mellon Hole Corner Mellon Hole Creek Mellon Spring Menyous Gap Menzies Bore Metters Bore Mickey Pool Mickeys Bore Mickeys No. 1 Bore Mickeys No. 2 Bore Middle Creek Midjiebar Bore Millijiddee Mindi Radi Community Minnie Bore Minnie Minnie Creek Minnie Minnie Pool Minnieritchie Bore Moffets Bore Mortons Bore Mount Abbot Bore Mount Abbott Mount Amy Mount Campbell Mount Cedric Mount Fenton Mount Fenton Bore Mount Gytha Mount Hardman Mount Hardman Creek Mount Hardman Dam Mount Hutton Mount Ibis Mount Louise Mount Nichol Mount Noreen Mount Oscar Mount Pierre Mount Pierre Creek Mount Pierre Tank Mount Pierre Yard Mount Piper Mount Synnot Bore Mount Thorlan Mount Tuckfield Mountain Home Spring Mugford Bore Mullara Bore Muludja Community Muludja Remote Community School Mums Bore Mums Yard Needle Eye Rocks Neptune Bore Netting Bore New Hansons Bore Ngalapita Rem Comm School Ngalingkadji Community Ngurtawarta Community Nhillabublica Bore Nhillabublica Creek Nhillabublica Spring Nhillabublica Yard Nicholson Ridges Nicholson Spring Nipper Creek No. 1 Bore No. 1 Outcamp No. 12 Bore No. 13 Bore No. 14 Bore No. 16 Bore No. 17 Bore No. 18 Bore No. 19 Bore No. 2 Bore No. 2 Outcamp No. 20 Bore No. 22 Bore No. 23 Bore No. 3 Bore No. 3 Outcamp No. 31 Bore No. 33 Bore No. 38 Bore No. 39 Bore No. 5 Bore No. 6 Bore No. 7 Bore No. 8 Bore Noonkanbah Noonkanbah Aerodrome Noonkanbah Hill Old Cherrabun Old Dam Old Fossil Downs Old Station Bore One Tree Billabong One Tree Bore One Tree Hole Oscar Hill Outcamp Bore Outcamp Hill Outcamp Microwave Repeater Station P Hill Paddys Bore Pandanus Springs Panorama Bore Paradise Paradise Bore Parukupan Community Patersons Dam Peaceful Dam Peaceful Lagoon Peglers Bore Pelican Billabong Pelican Bore Peters Bore Pillara Range Pillara Spring Pilmer Spring Pilots Flowing Bore Pinbilly Hills Pinbilly Well Pinjarra Bore Pinnacle Pinnacle Creek Pinnacles Microwave Repeater Station Pittsworth Spring Plum Plain Plutos Bore Poole Range Poole Range Bore Popes Bore Post Office Hill Pothole Creek Prices Creek Prices Hill Pyramid Bore Quanbun Billabong Quanbun Butte Quanbun Downs Quartzridge Bore Quonga Waterhole Ram Paddock Bore Red Billabong Red Billabong Yard Red Hill Red Hill Bore Redcliff Redcliff Bore Rexona Bore Robbins Bore Rockhole Spring Rocky Yard Rodneys Bore Roosevelt No. 1 Bore Roosevelt No. 2 Bore Rosanne Bore Roses Hill Ross No. 1 Bore Ross No. 2 Bore Round Hole Bore Roys Bore Sadler Ridge Sallys Bore Salty Bore San Maggil Bore Sandhill Swamp Sandras Dam Sandy Billabong Sandy Billabong Bore Sears Bore Shale Bore Sharkhole Yard Sholls Bore Shore Range Shore Range Bore Skeleton Hill Slaughter Hole Snake Bore Spinifex Ridge Spink Bore St George Ranges St Peter Bore Station Bore Station Creek Step Dam Stockgate Bore Stocktrack Bore Sugarbag Hole Billabong Supplejack Bore Surprise Bore Swamp Bore Swindle Bar Tank Tank Bore Taylors Bore Teal Bore The Pinnacles The Sisters Thompsons Bore Three Stage Dam Tommys Bore Top Yard Topyard Bore Troys Lagoon Tulloch Peak Turkey Well Bore Two Wells Bore United Aborigines Mission Verity Bore Victory Bore Vicziany Bore Virgin Creek Virgin Hills Virgin Spring Wade Knoll Waldecks Bore Walgidee Hills Wall Dam Wangkatjungka Community Wangkatjungka Remote Community School Wansborough Spring Warrels Bore Warrimbah Community Warrimbah Hill Warrimbah Outstation Watts Rockhole White Rocks Wilkinson Bore Windjamoora Rock Wing Maring Tank Winjimorra Bore Woods Bore Woolwash Waterhole Wooroora Spring Wye-Worry Bore Yakanarra Community Yale Rockhole Yellow Drum Bore Youella Bore Youella Dam Yungngora Community Yurabi Yvonne Yard Moffats Bore Oscar Range Neiliabublica Spring Brooking The Springs Geike Range Duchess Out Camp Neiliabublica Creek Baobab Creek Muludja Fitzroy Wallaberi No 33 Bore Ballinger Out Camp Ngurtuwarta Community Cogo Wolgidee Hills Karnparri Walgidee Out Camp Eight Mile Machell Pyramid Mount Abbot Quanbun Shadforth Bore Warrimbah Rough Range No 2 Outcamp Cunningham River Forrest Branch Turkey Well Out Camp Bidjul Community Prices Bore Ngalingkadji Chestnut Out Camp Saint George Ranges Six Mile Creek Pillmer Spring Mount Tuckwell Kalligurra Soak Mount Thorian Wangkatjungka Djugerari Light Jack Hill
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