
GA 7025 – Cannawigara Online now

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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Y-Worry Oakbank Coolatoo Bordertown Mundulla Wolseley Serviceton Wampoony Telephone Exchange Whyalla Farm Springbro Nesscliffe Cannonball Hill Cuppa Cup Swamp Thompson Waterhole Rockdale Kenwyn Newton Soakage Kalymna Downs Turrung Coolalie Alice Park Wynkie Pooh Mungala Barbeki Leawarra Moonnmera North Wurlyana Woolara Eldorado Jillmatong Lowan Park Iona Wirrega Railway Station Woolmitt Grey Gums Landfall Tolcairn Two Ways Carousel Marobena Narree Downs Buyuma Maurona Hi View Murrundie Martin Well Broadtimber Well Brimbago Birrimba Little Tank Karawatha Noranda Mauronia Paltara Graythwaite Lowan Vale Brimbago Well Outstation Brumbago Station Serviceton Trig Catawarick Tank Little Desert Woodlands Grange Gum Flat Cambrai Swede Flat Pigeon Flat Mundulla Swamp Cholla Overmere Glen Gowan Swamp Linfred Koolywurtie Bordertown Police Station Bordertown Railway Station Glen Vale Challa Downs Innisfallen Wampoony Callandoon Locksley Park South Gralunga Karinya Whim Well Narrabri Whim Tank Rosedale Manuka Hill Woodlands Arabar Kongal CFS Changwa Swamp Benlo Penryn Wakerop Waterhole Clay Tank Mundulla West Green Swamp Springfield Delringa Teatrick Clifton Farm Jupa Greenways Tolmer Overpass Clearmont Avondale Kesteven Buckingham Scotts Outstation Paragon Downs Delta Glen Gowan Virgo Park Hundred of Senior Mallee Flat Claypan Rodger Waterhole Hundred of Cannawigara Nalang Creek Mundulla Primary School Tupe-Werripp Swamp Custon Conservation Park Moot-Yang-Gunnya Swamp Wampoony Well Mundulla Post Office Kalos Park Glen Raeburn Glen Osmond Hiview Tallywayne Iowna Broughton Park Cannawigara Paltarra Newlyn Old Brimbargo Glenvale Sherwood Rewa Hill Para-Gum Chark Swamp Balaka Avlea Tatara Tatiara Post Office Hillview Binnies Outstation Glen Park Cannawigara Railway Station Dalmally Catavarick Creecoona Tarkeerip Bannycubba Glenalan Blue Hills Allambie Naroo Treehaven Terringott Lucernedale Kenyu Cholla Well Fernleigh Changwa Wy-Wurrie Elhanan Tatiara Choopawhip Lagoon Tatiara Creek Bellbrae Choopawhip Well Nalang Timber Ridge Trig Canterbury Park Pigsty Soak Hilborn Glenpark Atherly Ruvigne Nooroora Saxondale Inglewood Girraween Lone Gum Braemar Meramie Cangara Terraweena Havelock Sapling Flat Cannonball Apsley Crossing Gerelgarobeth Kevhill Thornton Park Hovcanyah Delta Downs Wolseley Rural School The Chateau Welbanite Kooroon Oak Downs Majestic Red Bluff Aynirac Netherley Wilpri Bella Vista Clendon Primpara Moot-Yan-Gunya Clearview Charlton Park Pine View Cooinda Senior The Mile Vineyard Old Brimbago Scotts Head Station Cleveside Velmont Marradine Dunalbyn Creekancoona Panaroo Hope Farm Moomluckardt Waterhole Temana Le-Albyn Tipperary Lowan Vale Telephone Office Sherdale Kyella Custon Border Town Lockhart Racecourse Reserve The Rising Sun Gum Tree Hole Hut Becks Mill Endahwin Wynkie-Marsh Cangara Telephone Exchange Normera Wirreanda Yarrawin Wichatay Stoneleigh The Olives Kellys Flat Edenville Yangbinyah Six Mile Well Woorlo Hill Mootyanggunya Hut Mundabah Pine Hill Glengyle Koordon Woodlee Namoona Yarrabee Greyside Big Stoney Kilmarnock Melbourne Soak Becks Hill Moona Flat Wee-Gun Lawnville Bordertown High School Nallang Creek The Washpool Poocher Swamp Game Reserve Hundred of Tatiara Mount Edgerly Arltunga Mount Edgerley Hillslee Charla Chowla Swamp Clovercrest Wallawa Bonny Lee Bordertown Primay School Tatiara Memorial Park Spring Hut Elarco Talinga Borrer Borrer West Meramie Brutton Downs Mallee Downs Old Mundulla Vineyard Kooringa Rustic Farm Gumlea Murra Pureek Doctor Dennys Well Angle Vale Kongal Bordertown Post Office Sunbury Yattan Willow Spring Penalan Avon Park Fairview Skyebrae Cuppa Cup Monavale Catawarick Moonmera North Custon Post Office Bordertown Memorial Hospital Myambla Colwin Park Clover Lea Harding Spring Silverdale Cannawigara Telephone Exchange Poocher Flat Maridale Thompson Greenwell Wirrega The Run Penyattcabber Wolseley Railway Station Serviceton Railway Station Broadleas Tolmer Rest Area Killbrae Kooyong Binalot Katandra Mulligan Well Western Highway Olive Bank Bino Cannu Waterhole Prildee Carter Bore Pendell Downs Novak Park Stirling Park Exton Dam Rosslyn Park Howcroft Estate Wilfred Braefield Mill Park Hundred of Wirrega Hundred of Paech Bordertown South Yarabah Rollinson Trig Pol-Tarum Takkarendi High Plains Cuppa-Cup Swamp Taralye Berangwee The Gum Waterhole Punjum Springs Mangalea Aldeane Cannonball Swamp Allawah Pooginorick Aldin Hill Cooinala Soldier Memorial Park Wirraleigh Mundulla West Telephone Exchange Koorawatha Kellwood Kongal Spring West Nalang Sherwood Telephone Exchange Linfern Budyinagoric Taylor Waterhole Berum Howcanyah Peck Waterhole Whites Waterhole Myralee Airlie Hillslea Hundred of Pendleton Tatiala Creek Harding Springs Conservation Reserve Bambadin Trig Gum Park Maroyac Ercildoune Killel Allambre Bonney Lee Pikes Waterhole Dunalan Black Hill Aldan Hill Olive Grove Woorak Waterhole Gumlee Relmber Downs Tatiara Telephone Office Kondale Park Eronda Park Skinner Soakage Warrabri Pikes Wolsesley Post Office Clayton Briella Ashdown Park Lyntunga Warrensville Market Place Reserve Tolmer Speedway County of Buckingham Tamara Glen Warren Custon Railway Station Beauvallet Monard Fenalan Pooginagoric Wynkie Marsh Garfield Wynkie Park Taunton Big Tank Old Caradell Border Farm Choopawhip Hut Scotts Woolshed Honiton Clovelly Cooinda Brae Gralunga Narree Down Woodmead Karimna Mandurama Glennvale Cloverlea Kongall Black Joe Waterhole Glenalvyn Sunnyside Kandra Downs Senior Park Peebles Clevesare Allendale Waterloo Downs Bordertown Telephone Exchange Wolseley Common Conservation Park Bordertown Landing Ground Lockhart Crossing Wandarri Coragulac Red Bluff Station Cacia Downs Jimanellie Gouldwyn Anglevale Chark Waterhole Mulligan Hill Bordertown South Telephone Exchange Poocher Waterhole Carinya Gum Avenue Taylors Waterhole Heathervale Maraadine Glen Hill Gumbowie Angaston District Hospital Bambadin Leeor Fire Station Newtons Soakage Hardings Spring Skinners Soakage Pig Sty Soak Black Joes Waterhole Mundalla The Wash Pool

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