
GA 7022 – Gambier Online now

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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Lanark Ruthven Aberfoyle Lindsay Wirreanda Summersea Kalabro Borderlea Milroy Nairana Invercoe Ardno Honeysuckle Kalangadoo Mount Gambier Nangwarry Tarpeena Nene Valley Yahl Mil-Lel Primary School Umpherstone Cave Evadale Mur-Alpin Brooklynds Arno Farm Springvale Glenburnie Post Office Jethia Blue Lake Pumping Station Dry Creek Mil Bet Marax Blackwood Park Timsbury Vansittart Park Honeysuckle Trig The South East Centre for Hearing Impaired Bonnie-Doon Pine Ridge Egree Belum Ela-Elap Bethesda Millara Kymar Moorak Telephone Exchange Andalynn Park Lengora Haven Hill Burleigh Armorel Wandilo Hall Windy Hill Mirembeek Kongorong Sherwood Bishley The Old Wireless Station Princes Highway OB Flat Telephone Exchange Kurleah The Death Cave Snake Hill System River Sebrof Hell Mouth Cave Borderlands Murrawa Glenburnie Railway Station Square Mile Mimosa Estate Collins Cave Drop Drop Recreation Reserve Showground Sinkhole Tantanoola Sinkhole Days Hill Suttontown Greenslopes Greenvale Burnda Railway Station Ardon Hill Cranleigh Glyn Dale Kiaora Stanalene Coola Burrungle Post Office Kongorong Telephone Exchange Woodlands Delowen Cluain Schandale Braeside Green Vale Reidy Park Primary School Nicholls Waterhole Yaltarra Mount Gambier High School Broadribs Well Mil-Lel Post Office Moorak Millanda Estate Allawah Capella Queen Elizabeth Caravan Park Slit Cave Hunters Scrub Nayook Estate Forest Dale Lorrenda Glenlyon Pleasant Park Compton Kingsley Lauriston Hillside House Kondella Tantanoola Forest Reserve Narwa Elaines Benara Sinkhole Mount Arthur Pinehaven Sandy Ridge Caroline Forest Mount Gambier Special School Lyncrest Yahlmina Mount Schank Mount Meredith Braelee Mingbool North Kirby Trig Ivy Duthie Memorial Reserve Bikini Wattle Park Greenlea Torthwallin Muddy Flat Rushy Swamp Lowan Our Lady of the Pines Church The Boundary Swamp Peweena Lynwood Worrobool Dunvaldyn Dolomite Downs Hells Hole Mount Gambier East Primary School Dafodene Heimat Pruvale Park Sutton Town Elm Grove Robin-Brae Kankama Yahl Post Office Greenacres Topperwein Native Forest Reserve Sarnia Tarpeena Telegraph Office Turkey Heath The Heath Storage Aljon Morelands Mount Percy Mount View Estate Barnoolut Merrilyn Curratum Cave View Large Waterhole Comry Estate Stonehaven Erindale Gum Paddock Fairytale Park Pond Flat Native Forest Reserve Hells Hole Native Forest Reserve Yahl CFS Mil-Lel Telephone Exchange Mount Gambier Post Office Honeysuckle Native Forest Reserve Koorine Circuit Sinkhole Lions Lookout Donareen The Long Swamp Mount Gambier Airport Loch Mallen Rigby Downs Cole Swamp Medanga Swamp Tarpeena Football Club Nine Mile Well Drop Drop Corner Kra-We-Al Neechy Park Yarllike Kongorong Forest Reserve Headquaters Rainbow Malbro Bellum Bellum Winterfields Springs Laubara Yangoora The Bullock Hole Kirip Wandillo Railway Station Yurnga Kelti Bank Glenmar Dismal Downs Cat Swamp Wooroora Taringa Taylor Blueskin Swamp Mount Burr Telephone Exchange Studley McIntyre Hall Lyndhurst Bluff Monview Botts Swamp Sandy Corner Long Native Forest Reserve Considines Cave Fossil Cave Glencoe Hill Native Forest Reserve Overland Track Native Forest Reserve Hundred of Kongorong Suttons Kennedys Ranch Harwood Glencoe West Alliambra Park Dandaranga Osborne Swamp Mount Watch Glenarden Wavalie Araluen Patanoola Manga Swamp The P s Warrawee Nyowee Burrungule North Primary School Woonalee Coorara Dismal Trig Tea Tree Gully Lake Leake Hill Inman Park Hundred of Gambier Compton School Lowlands Marte Ellis Homestead Cave Kilsby Cave Hundred of Hindmarsh Hundred of MacDonnell Glencoe Drains Penambol Conservation Park Lake Leake Trihi Lagoon Kearney Lake Browne Lake Glenhuntly Cave Glencoe East Cave Gums Road Cave Caveton Gambier Town Koorine Corner Sandford Station Mount Makintyre Greencroft Sturry Broadribs Pump Glencoe Yangery Swamp Armstrong Swamps Pewena Swamp Edithvale Mitchell Tyngara Aillemac Hillside Tringa Marmindie Inverness Dunlops Hut Mount Schank Quarries Werrook Kintail Brigadoon Tarpeena Caravan Park Moolaroo Coonanda McDonald Park Oval Sea Coast Hill Mount Edward Throne Moerlands Tallala Old Glencoe School Enderley Mulga Street Primary School Willunga Gleninver Murrawa Railway Station Glen Dor Kindaruar Torrensdale Kalangadoo House Trihi Hill Elderslie Kildare John Rogers Memorial Reserve Green Hills Kitty Temples Corner Kongorong Forest The Glen Holloway Railway Station Bluff North Gate Snake Gully Lough-Neagh Mount McIntyre Moorak Primary School Sunny Brae Honeysuckle Flat Mater Cristi College Eighteen Mile Well Glenhaven The Ridge Glendaruel Lt-Lock Maradale Glyn-Dale Oakcroft McNamara Park Yeates Swamp Carinya Gardens Cemetery Ainsworth Shangri-La Tyngara Trig Puttnams Park Lynfield OB Flat Primary School Wangabeena Mount Gambier Hospital Yah-Tu Midway Glen Moorhouse Wanella Hillside Kilsby Hole Lake Mount Gambier Blue Lake Valley Lake Leg of Mutton Lake Mount Gambier Lakes Sanctuary Vaughan Muddy Cave Medhurst Railway Station Strathvale Estate Blakesley Homestead Myora Sinkhole Atacama Kentucky Downs Cloverdale Karingal Soliders Memorial Park Nangkita Warina Anbirik The Ranche Pine View Osborne House Wattle Grove Pine-Grove Tironui German Hall Yileen Girrahween Windy Hill Native Forest Reserve The Bluff Native Forest Reserve Mount Lyon Carwirrio Outstation Mel Hirth Lookout Yahl Cricket Ground Cooloolie Cadzow Hill Waverley Park Mount Gambier Forest Clanery Clifton Mount Gambier Primary School Burr Heath Drain Louden Hill Glengary Trevordale Lalee Station Poolalaili Glencoe Forest Reserve Headquarters Glenbrae Kalaglen Pru-Vale Glenferrie Paddy Swamp Holloway Maxs Hole Maggotty Point Lornella Willaroon Kymbalee Mingbool Glen Albon Bilinga Margdale Woodville Landscape OB Flat Croyle Auntys Cave Nene Valley Memorial Park Goulden Hole Kirip Railway Station Kalangadoo Primary School Tantanoola Cave Churinga Caithness-Vale Worrolong The Bluff Post Office Gum Flat Swamp Hundred of Mingbool Johnson Nene Valley Conservation Park Gooch Koorianda Snowflake Cave Glencoe East Post Office Weetunga Gordons Monument Glen-Kel Jusuma The Avenue Mirrambeena Balapor Rojolean Barkree Nayook Ascot Catalina Stud East-Lynn Wattle Point Roleen Park Mitchell Railway Station Graymar Milburnie Dismal Swamp Carwirrie Outstation The Blue Gum Waterhole Gordon Bluff Post Office Nangwarry Post Office Karnkendi Carungwinna Swamp Blackwood Tartwaup Ti Tree Swamp Caveton Park Estate Nangwarry Primary School Lynwood Park Glencoe West Post Office Monwalana Noonans East Cave Warreanga Native Forest Reserve Kilbride Powong Swamp Braecona Dry Creek Native Forest Reserve Morgans Cave Broom Waterhole Corandirk Trail Waterhole Ry-Yon Corinda Downs Up and Down Rocks Cymro Calocindra Possum No 1 Cave Rubbish Cave Bottlebrush Sinkhole Castle Swamp Le Colombier Red Camp Honan Native Forest Reserve The Wombat Holes Bledinga Mount Gambier Forest Headquarters Hundred of Young Kandalka Mount Gambier East Junior Primary School Kelly Horse And Cart Sinkhole Telford Scrub Conservation Park Waawor The Willows Kalyra Park Lake Letty Hundred Line Swamp Mount View Hongorai Karoom Park Tea Tree Swamp Oakland Mallaboo Clovelly Kallaroo Yooralla Caroline Sinkhole Tantanoola Tourist Cave Honans Scrub Wau-Wer Plovers The Woolwash Teringa Fairbanks Au Vale Broadview Kongo Park Parryvale Fairfield Hundred of Blanche Orana Zaadstra Kalangbool Kalangadoo Railway Station Hacket Hill Mount MacIntyre Karmala Bimbimba Nankoor Whennen Native Forest Reserve Mallara Simpson Hole Korimiko Moorak CFS Min-y-don Grove Hill Rutland Blackwood Flat Pleasant Park School Warreanga Cattalina Pewena Churinga Downs Sheep Dip Glenvale Olympic Park Sports Field Broadnibs Cave Broadribs Old Pump Fair-View Parwar Treborann The Bog Swamp Mingbool Telephone Exchange Bucks Hill Nyrang Lowson Timothy Swamp Glencoe School Mount Gambier Railway Station Ereng Balam McDonald Park Primary Kongorong Spring Mulcrest Harris Flat South East College of TAFE Melaleuca Park Junior Primary School Suttontown Rural School Glencoe Central Primary School Nyn Valley Creek Devils Punch Bowl Kalangadoo East Mount Gambier Technical High School Yahl Paddock Deanbe Park Burrungule Railway Station Neechy Flat Belvedere Uxmal Park The Braires Butsfield Narra Burra Melaleuca Park Primary School Gowan Brae Egans Hut Malla Wire Paddock Wild Dog Flat Green Waterhole Willowvale Mount Gambier North Primary School Fern Bank Traverston Roseneath Springs Cave La-Lee Torowatta Murumba Park Ronelsiande Mondia Maryknoll Glencoe East Drain Wehrs-View Edmead Katini Mavora Lyndale Mount Gambier Golf Course Kiwae Mil-Lel Waterhole Yahl Paddock School The Dismal Swamp Hundred of Grey Ellamatta Island Swamp Native Forest Reserve Douglas Downs Leoak Denmar Mendingo Swamp Little Water Noorla Jedburgh Kooma Bungarvon Pine Hill Park Farm Mount Watch Native Forest Reserve Caveton Park Tankstand Cave Wepar Railway Station McGlen Beanbri Trial Waterhole Gambiertown Lindsay Crossing Furness Cave Kongorong Primary School Kongorong Sinkhole Hintonville Wavell Heights Mount McIntyre Native Forest Reserve Kangaroo Flat Native Forest Reserve Fernleigh Estate Mount Schank Waterhole Buroma The Green Waterhole Wye Post Office Clover Estate Malabar Hills Puppara Swamp Sunvale Echo Valley Wahroonga Derrymore Glencoe West Cave Mil Lel Four Winds Artic Symbol The Black Hole Poogmagorie Whim Well Kelcrai Eriskay Glendene Park Mount Gambier Rifle Club Heathermere Coe Valley Glencoe West Primary School Compton Downs Gower Conservation Park Morgen Wepar School Bottlebrush Scrub Broomfield Zebedee Teragram McEacherns Muddy Flat Native Forest Reserve Nene Valley Rock Weeroona Wicklow Old Washpool Swamp Brakepole Marsh Duncan Swamp Nayook Cottage Jangarie Smailliw Park Burnda Timber Mills Canowindra Gunyah Winipinie Chiverton Karalee Yallambi Park The Gap Peweena Swamp Forest Ridge Alleyns Big Hole Seaton Scabby Station Omeo Park Mount Schank Estate Outstation Marks Lookout Strathlea Cadzow Caroline Warragamba Estate Braemar Borderline Speedway Corkscrew Hill Compton Downs School One-Hope Leakes Well Hut Little Blue Lake Hunters Homestead Mullel Waterhole Reserve The Woolwash Native Forest Reserve Crevice Cave Glenleigh Glencoe Woolshed Museum Tantanoola Caves Conservation Park Kettle Malpe Inverary White Hawk Lagoon Yatton-Loo Burnda Mount Schanck Hatton Lodge Nahlea Eldena Erndon Compton Park Oil Well Mount Gambier Special Education Unit Glenburnie Kromelite Wurwurkooloo Cave Mount Gambier Town Lilly Pond Goulden Waterhole Glencoe Woolshed Mil-Lel Memorial Hall Caroline Forest Reserve Headquarters Gordon Education Unit Hill-an-Dale Coralite Railway Station Mount Burr Range Akoolya Byass Hill Woobinda Park Swim-Through Cave Grant High School Suttontown Primary School Malla Railway Station Kalangadoo Police Station Oban Stonecap Cave Glenhuntly Lake Windy Lew Glenburnie Primary School Mulgrowie Glencoe Railway Station Nanowie Flinthaven Omaroo Benara Wypring Glenarvon Livingstons Cave Margaret Medhurst Memorial Park Trihi Sandfort Station Derrymore North Tenison College Riga Downs Old Sheepwash Strathlee Latinga Berribank Mount Schank Estate Boonderoo Balshawmather Pullawa Engelbrecht Cave Lackan Station Noonans West Cave Myora Forest Headquarters Mount Gambier Transitional Unit The Deep Gully McRosties Native Forest Reserve The Marshes Native Forest Reserve Tillar Swamp Bushey Myora Trig Highview Potters Point Lookout Manga Kensilgreen Avondale Homestead Hill Memorial Childrens Playground Stay-Bi-Bay The Barn-Palais Cloverall Croydon Pine Hall Springbank Mount Gambier Centre for Hearing Impaired Kromelite Railway Station The Triangle Sandhurst Cranander Nimpsfield Estate Glenfield Coolara Moorak House Weir Hill Penola Forest Waterloo Marte Railway Station Pawn Flat Cave Camden Park Hill-View Gene-Lara Belaring Tantanoola Lake Cave Wandilo Native Forest Reserve Scotfield Glen Huntley Frew Park Oval Laslett Native Forest Reserve Mona Park Pine-Ridge Aminya Mijido The Oak Foland Karawarr Strath-Vale The Marshes Hundred of Nangwarry Winde Knowie Lyn-Marra Gum Flat Snow Gum Native Forest Reserve Wepar Bullock Hole Mont St Bernard Banksia Cave Catalina Herds Veldt Carlsruhe Hilpara Uncle Toms Cabin Devils Punchbowl Long Gully Kongorong Forest Reserve Malseed Park Oval Dalveen Morelands Trig Warrakara Mount Salt Gum Park Glyn Dale Trig Dartboogie Old Nayook Wundurra Double Waterhole The Sisters Bush Haven Charles Park Tarpeena Primary School Kaladbro Katnook Penwarry Post Office Glensyde Kelso Compton Primary School Kitty Temple s Cave Blackwood Island Kooeeyong The Mushroom The Old Woolwash Illa-Langi East Gum Tarqua House Koorine South The Ranch County of Grey Browns Lake Tantanoola Post Office Sinclairs Wandillo Glenrae Yahl Primary School Fiander-Moor Herbst Scrub Leakes Hut Rosemeade Hillview Ten-Eighty Sinkhole Pear Tree Hill Evan Park Abercrombie Farm Hill-n-Dale Centenary Tower Mount Gambier Power Station Mount Gambier Racecourse Drop Drop Coonetta Grundy Lane Native Forest Reserve Sleeping Cave Suttons Railway Station Condowie Andmore Glenacre Kentgrove South Louiekiese Thistle Down Waylyn Park Pond Flat Waverley Lauron Greenbanks Bringewood Boars Cave Sutton Town Post Office SEAS Sapfor Mill Trevaun Greenpatch Tri Hi Hill Karana Highway Park Corriadale Heronslea Howanlea Bell Hill Lachen Station Nene Valley Creek Wonga Vale Daves Hole Mount Gambier Forest Reserve Moray Park Moorak Milk Products Factory Tallagandra Alla-Brae Allambie Windeknowie Hundred of Caroline Lake Edward Mil Lel Primary School Tarqua Lagoon Simpsons Hole Swamphole Cave Hintonvale Mimosa Myora Forest Fernhill Baby Blue Mud Hole Rowallen The Oaks Private Hospital Hundred of Riddoch Lowcroft Kentgrove Browne Trig Glencoe West Drain Mil-Lel Fernlea Downs The Heath Native Forest Reserve Tyrone Lynford Mullel Akoonah The Wicket Sutherland Mount Gambier North West Primary School Yumga Sunnymeade Estate Campbell Hill Glencoe East Hacket Hill Native Forest Reserve Allendale Glencoe Telephone Exchange Quarry Hill Casadio Park Oval Dunloe Wepar Telephone Office The Magpie Dalgleish Pleasant Hill The Mern Reidy Park Kalangadoo Post Office The Yard Swamp Orani-Vale Wandilo School Yaralla The Old Wombat Holes Sunny Meade Estate Gum Trees Pott Boy Swamp Mil-Lel Dairy Black Swamp Bundilla Attamurra Landour Park Woodleigh South East Institute for Vocational Education St Clare Dunoon Donegal Pine Lodge Pareen Ebuvale Millbrae Herm-an-Heathers Yangery Gum Forest Corattum A Drain Trihi Lagoon Drain The Bluff Compton Park Railway Station Kroyal Burrungule Baker Range Main Drain Mullel Waterhole Baker Range Drain Mount Burr Heath Drain Wandilo Great South West Walk Kaladbro Swamp Lindsay South Princess Margaret Rose Caves Rennick Rennick State Forest Grey Riddoch Drain Lake Mundi Lindsay Station Glencoe Drain Medhurst Medhursts Mitchells Kromelite Station German Creek Murrawa Station

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